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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  August 23, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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are back later with the fox report at 7:00 eastern, and 4:00 in the west. not great news for the 401(k) at corner of wall and broad but the man who will make it better is coming it right now with "your world," with neil cavuto. right now. >>neil: isaac, to the mitt hit. and now convention organizers whipping up emergency plans. just in case. there is no way to know where isaac is going but we do know it is potentially becoming a hurricane. and maybe soon. ahead of the big meeting in tampa, already a headache. and a big one right new. >> welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto. fox on top of isaac coming down with rick on whether tampa is in its way. phil keating on how republicans are not necessarily getting out of the way.
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and larry sabato on why mitt romney need not fear and why president obama should. we begin with rick. what is the latest? rick: storm is not that strong just yet. do not let that fool you. it will get strong. right now it is having a lard time getting its act together at 165 miles south of puerto rico, all indications and the models agreeing it will pull off to the west, but, subtle differences make a big difference in how strong the storm gets. a lot of interaction with land across hispaniola and over to cuba and then to the eastern gulf, it will spend time over water so it will have more time to strengthen but we have to get there. so we will talk tuesday into wednesday. look at the official track.
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moving across haiti, where people are still living in tents and maybe a hurricane around the keys. tampa, ultimately, you will be fine. you will have a lot of wind and rain but we will not talk about a storm subject or direct impact from the hurricane. head in toward the panhandle, toward mississippi, alabama, and, possibly, even louisiana, still, we will be watching this storm. look at one of the reliable models, the center of the storm is right there, now, possibly, a very strong storm moving in toward the florida panhandle on tuesday night into when. one of the other models we like a lot that has been a western outlier is moving this future off to the west, maybe toward western louisiana. first time i have seen a model run like that but it is a good model. when it does that, we pay attention. of course the western gulf area is where the oil rigs are and this could be potentially the
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big impacts when, thursday, of this coming week. >>neil: thank you very much, rick. >>neil: isaac could be on the move but republican officials in tampa damned if they moving the show. yet. phil? phil: this convention will go on in tampa on schedule. it will not be canceled. but, isaac remains 4 1/2 days from making landfall in the state so it is a professional the dice. where the convention is next week, workers are working away like nothing is happening outside setting up the floor. the major concern for officials is if a hurricane isaac comes north, right along the west coast of florida, that could push isaac storm surge right
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into tampa bay, into downtown tampa and the convention site causing potentially a foot or two of flooding. i had a conversation this morning with the convention folks. they are ready. they are planning. hopefully we will not have a hurricane. >> they have a land if there is a disaster, any time of disaster but right now there is no anticipation there will be a cancellation. phil: it will impact miami and the florida keys, first, and those in the south of florida are stocking up on supplies like war, food and batteries. in case of evacuation, hurricane hardy floridians are filling up with gasoline. in tampa, the mayor has his own plan. >> he anticipated and done exercises, and talking with the rnc, the issue is, you have 50,000 more people you have to evacuate but we are prepared for that, as well.
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phil: at a minimum on tampa, monday, tuesday, likely wednesday, a lot of rain and a last cloud cover and likely a lot of wind, as well, and the bad news for attendees, for security reasons, there are rules in the city in the event zone downtown around the arena, no umbrellas allowed with metal tips. so, pack accordingly. >>neil: you are great at covering the stories, hope the story is reduced to just that. phil mentioned florida, and governor scott, the governor will gin today to handicap all of this and, maybe, a sigh of relief. you think isaac means that mitt romney will take a hit in but larry sabato says you do not remember gustav. >>guest: you are a worrywart. don't worry. be happy. be happy. this is a convention. >>neil: i do remember gustav. explain what happened. >>guest: bring some galoshes.
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john mccain lost the day to hurricane gustav. even though he was in the twin cities of minnesota and the hurricane hit new orleans it was a katrina moment so they did not want to put on a party up in minnesota. it did not hurt him at all. in fact, he got a decent bun, a decent bounce out of the convention. at most, this would cost the convention a day. i will bet a gallon of ben and jerry's, i bet you a gallon, that nothing much happens. a little wind. a little rain. i grew up down in norfolk virginia and i know hurricanes. >>neil: the mainstream media likes to focus on the storm and this would be the first of significance of the season to the united states. it does gives you an opportunity to take your attention off republicans and that does appear to be handing.
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do you think it could be a a distraction and take away romney's moments? >>guest: that is the down side. you are gloomy. >>neil: you know what, young man? i think you are getting worried you will lose a bet do me open this election and it will not be close and you are pre-ordering cases of chunky monkey. but i am digressing. >>guest: it can build some kitement into the convention. >>neil: this is that. how do you think it looks going into this big contest? >>guest: well, watch the poll trends which have this getting very close, as we have talked about all along. you think in the end it will not not be that close but right now it is very, very close and romney was behind, four or five points in the polling average and now it is just one point. this is the opportunity to
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present a positive side for him sex and for his ticket. even with the hurricane he will have the opportunity to do that. >>neil: i will review my favorite flavors so when you go to the grocery store you can load up. prefer, -- professor, thank you. if tampa does not get a direct hit the gulf will. so forget about mitt romney. you ll look at the hit. at the pump. bill? >>guest: you bet. there is still 40 percent of the refining capacity in the line of the storm so gas price could go up 5 cents to 10 cents and people in florida are already bying gas so it is impacting demand. you can have flooding. other issues that can slow production. however, seeing that it is around the convention, this could be a positive for governor romney. let me tell you why. he can point out, of course, that despite the fact that there
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is still 40 percent of u.s. production of refining capacity, in the gulf of mexico, our dependence on gulf oil has dropped dramatically. we used to depend on 50 percent of our natural gas production, sit down below ten, we used to depend on 40 percent of our oil production, it is down to 17 percent. the reason why that is significance, the new technologies that are in place. oil and gas prices have risen in anticipation of this storm, but, not as much as they would have a few years ago if it were not for the new production technologies. >>neil: when we have the threats of storms or actual storms, how long does that spike last? what happens? >>guest: if you look at the math, it is a concern. normally it depends on how the storm ends. usually, what you see, you buy the rumor and sell the fat. we have seen gasoline prices in
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the local markets rising. it is always the anticipation of the storm. if the storm passes, and there is no damage, prices generally fall further than the run up of the anticipation because people do not buy as much gasoline. hour, if you shut down some of the refineries, they goer line and we saw what happened in california. we saw what happened here in illinois area with the refinery issue. it can take months to bring them back online. that means higher prices for sustainable period of time. >>neil: thank you, sir. >> we will go like, this saturday, because a lot of stuff will be going down, so much stuff on saturday. you know what we are doing? we are simulcasting our coverage and when that happens, that is a big deal. this is a big deal on a day the tempo does not pick up much more
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than this, we have mitt romney and paul ryan making the last pitch before the big party, as isaac threats to crash that party. so, go ahead and let it pour, we are live and ready to led it pour on going at 10:00 a.m. eastern, live on saturday. far from the only time we will be griding storms, because we love at storms. we laugh. because as isaac barrels down, where do you think we will be popping up? yes, tampa. and wait until you see who we have lined up for you. i will give you a hint, we bought them all raincoats. 4:00 p.m. on fox, through midnight if need be every night on fox business network for the next two weeks, as long as it takes. whatever it takes. we have what it takes, whether it is the republican convention or the democrat conference, i have the ability to stand up to any stock market, any time, anything they can dish up. look at this it looks like some
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rain can move it. watch me. watch my hair. and this fall, stay with me and my hair, because, because, because we are back at it with the presidential debates, the have thal -- the vice presidential debates. the other business networks would say blah blah blah, they do not show up to cover the biggest election. it is all about this. it is after hours, a little lating they need share -- their sleepy time. not us. we are all over it. but, first, have g.e.'s chairman seen a light or did a bolt just go off? charles gasparino does not care, all he knows is that the president should understand this. ♪
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forz(power!) andiamo! andiamo! (let's go! let's go!) avanti! avanti! (keep going! keep going!)
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hahaha...hahahaha! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than christopher columbus with speedboats. that's happy! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ home of the brave. ♪ it's where fear goes unwelcomed...
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♪ and certain men... find a way to rise above. this is the land of giants. ♪ guts. glory. ram. >>neil: news that there could
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be president obama's former counselor, jeff immelt. >>guest: this is what i know, he is selling friends in corporate america who told me, and they are major players, in the financial world, and he is very upset about the president and his work on the job council meaning there is not much work. >>neil: what does it do? >>guest: supposed it meet with the president and advise on how to create jobs. there hasn't been a meeting with the president since john. these guys felt that meeting was lame, the president is not very connected to what the job council wants to do. the overriding story, a story i wrote in the "new york post," when he goes down the line, with people that deal with the president, it is not just conservative republicans, these are democrats, former lawmakers from congress that are now in
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the private sector that mingle with the president and talk to him. they feel that he is pretty much phoning it in for the knitty gritty of doing the work of being president. great campaigner. relentless and tireless campaigner. but in terms of the actual duties of being a president, a lot of this stuff, what they are telling me is farmed out. he does not meet with former members of congress. forget about people on his side of the aisle, meeting with former members of congress that were democrats, who are democrats, who could tell him how to cut deals with republicans. >>neil: so he is not willing to do it publicly, that is not like a disenchanted jamie dimon? >>guest: he will not do it. >>neil: can he do it privately? >>guest: he is doing it privately. he is telling, he is --. >>neil: when you tell your
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friends, he knows your friends talk to you. they are just worms, so, the worms --. >>guest: these are my sources. my sources. >>neil: they have said that jeff is unhappy? >>guest: not just that but jeff thinks he is not is good president. >>neil: maybe jeff is trying to cover his you know what. >>guest: i heard that from on or about would read my stuff, they have said this this is all rear end covering, he is a bad president particularly on the economy and he bought into it and now it is like buyer's remorse. when i make that statement to his friends, they tell me, you misread. he is fairly conservative. in terms of belief on the economy and social issues. and he did what is doing with the president, because he run as big company that needs the white house. >>neil: thank you, charles
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gasparino. to add on to the latest white house story, true or not, ed henry on potentially losing his most loyal c.e.o., privately or publicly, is rattling the president. >>guest: the bottom line, what they say when you talk to the campaign advisors they now there will be some business leaders not happen the president cracked down on wall street with the new regulations, et cetera. we have heard a last the criticisms before. they also believe there is still some in the business community, including people like jamie dimon who will be with the president. we certainly see that while mitt romney has jumped ahead with more money from wall street in terms of fundraising, the president does a lot continue raisers on wall street and has a lot friends there. they think some of this will balance itself out. the other pressure this president is facing, of course, is the policies of another recession that was raised just yesterday by the cbo they said if the president can congressional leaders do not come together on a deal by the end of the year to prevent the massive defense cuts and massive tax increases that are scheduled
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to take effect in a few months, we could see a recession that will result in two million more jobs being lost. however, the president had a light schedule today, and the only thing he has done so far is head to the democratic national committee for strategy meetings, so, i asked jake carney today about why the president is not sitting down with congressional leaders. >> why are they not in a room trying to negotiate which is what presidents and leaders normally do? >>guest: again, we are clearly at loggerheads on the the top two percent. we are in agreement on the 98 percent. it stands to reason that we should be able to grow on what we agree on and continue to debate what we disagree on. >> all signs from top folks here is that there is not going to be a deal worked out before the election between the president and leaders on the hill to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff at
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the end the year. anything that would happen would happen after the less. >>neil: thank you. what do you think is your last resort? you sue. if you are an ice agent you create a firestorm by going after the president of the united states.
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>>neil: moments ago, i.c.e. filed a lawsuit against homeland security napolitano and i.c.e. director saying the government is forcing them to break the law by not allowing them to desport -- deport certain illegal immigrants. the homeland security is saying
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responsible young people have an opportunity to remain in the country and make their fullest contributions. what do you think of that? >>guest: well, this is a labor issue in so many ways. we have 20 million americans, american citizen whose want a full-time job and can not find one. and janet napolitano, on her own, she has decided to add 1.7 million illegal aliens into the workforce. no matter how kindly you may feel toward them, you are creating at the although of extra bad pressure on the labor market and on unemployed americans and on all american worker would have seen their wages stagnate over the years. >>neil: that could be so but coming back to the agents who feel their hands are tied, their legal case is what? they just have to sit on their thumbs, or what? >>guest: they are facing immediate harm because
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basically, they have been giving the idea and ambiguous orders that agents are already bees disciplined and being threatened with the possibility of suspension, of losing their job and losing their pensions, if they enforce the law at all. everyone looking to be under 30, even if they pick they will up in jail they are reprimanded if doing that. this is a case where the i.c.e. agents have taken an oath to enforce the laws passed by congress but the trouble is, their boss, janet napolitano, and more ton, have issued orders in violation of the laws. so they are sitting on their thumbs. it is not just about putting them in a precedings but about letting them get in the system so they are given benefits, job permits and work permits. >>neil: i am looking at all of the heat when i go after someone
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and i know if i have gone after someone would looks hispanic they will say i am a racist. then they will say, if i haul that person in, i have upped the racist standing. i cannot win. so they can not do their job. do they have, in your opinion, a legal place to stand on when other agents are conforming to the rules and trying to do their job as best they can? >>guest: i want to make it clear. i am not a lawyer. >>neil: neither am i but i way law shows on tv i. >>guest: there you go. and some of my best friends are. we believe the agents have standing. they are facing imminent harm themselves. of course, that is what the courts will diet. this case was filed in federal district court in dallas. ten i.c.e. acts including the president of the i.c.e. agents
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union. they show a number of ways in which they face great harm if the court does not issue an injunction that keeps them from having to follow what they believe are illegal and unconstitutional orders. >>neil: we will watch closely. thank you very much. if everyone is barking at you, time to bring in the big dogs. >> to election is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment. >>neil: this has democrats waxing for the good old days but will some voters be steaming? the white house may have created a nightmare. we asked over 3,000 doctors to review 5-hour energy
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[♪...] call or go online now. [♪...] >>neil: when if doubt bring the big dog out. for a worried democratic president, who better to do his bidding than the last democratic president? >> the plan is to go back for the republicans to deregulation which got us trouble. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from the ground up investing in innovation, education and job training. it works only if there is a strong middle class. >>neil: president clinton deregulated the housing industry. enough of that. back to the other problem. the middle-class is not doing so well. a new report has it shrinking
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faster. my guest says the president's policies will not make it better and she case bill clinton will only reenforce the reality that this president isn't bill clinton. what do you think all of this right now? >>guest: well, i agree with what you just said. i don't think that pick pick is a very good spokesman for president obama because what it highlights is how different their policies were and how different the results were. we had a big economic boom in a stock market book as you recall under bill clinton's years in office. under president obama we have had the opposite. this reminds people that rebound is no bill clinton because he moved for the west of bill clinton. the bigger vulnerability is the new numbers that is come out by the census bureau and the report that suggests there is a big decline in middle-class incomes in the last fur fast and furious
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-- four years, since president obama has been in office. >>neil: but this has been ongoing for the last decade. i looked at ad and i covered president clinton and i have great admiration for him, but i wonder whether the comparison would hurt the obama administration because bill clinton established growth and raised taxes on the upper incomes but he worked with the republican congress could get work for welfare, the same thing this president is dismantling. so, you have to be leery of those comparisons. >>guest: that is a big problem. it is not just work for welfare, which bill clinton signed that bill. but look what happened to the budget under bill clinton and a republican congress. remember, we had two or three years of balanced budgets, budget surpluses because of
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budget discipline. we have not had that under president obama. just the opposite. we reported yesterday, the c.b.o., that we will now have four years in a row under president obama of $1 trillion deficit. again, the results and the policies are entirely different. >>neil: also, what is different is the perception of what is fair. this president talks about the rich should pay more but you have looked into the numbers and say it is not what you have been told. explain. >>guest: well, i did a new report with the manhattan institute. the results are shocking. first of all, you probably know that the richest 1 percent are paying 40 percent of the income tax burden. the top 10 percent are paying 70 percent. the top 20 percent, all americans in that top group, they pay over 90 percent of the tax. it is a heavily dependent tax system on rip. >>neil: but the argument is that they should pay more they are doing better than everyone else and they have been unfairly
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taking advantage of this economy. what do you say? >>guest: well, why believe that. in the 80's and 90's the middle-class did well as the tax rates came down. what is different about this >>guest: expansion we supposedly in the third year of a recovery and the middle incomes are not rising and jobs have not come back at the pace they normally do. that is a problem. the other point is, if you compare the united states with other western european countries and some of the big asian countries, we are actually more depend it on the rich to raise our taxes than any other country of the junior 20 industrialized countries in the world. we depend on the top 20 percent to pay 45 percent of the taxes and the rest of the world, it is closer to 30 percent. >>neil: amazing. thank you very much, steve. do any you remember fast times at ridgemont high?
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the kids in the class are still down, very down. after this, the real story of generation x.
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>>neil: until you thought you were the only one counting back on the summer vacation. you are not the only one. nine out of ten young people say they cutting back on everything. on them, this economy ain't doing anything. dave ramsey looked at the half full glass. it is annoying. he does it all time. he says that is good for the young to be looking at saving. this is a good development? >>dave: it is good and it is bad. if they actually having to cut back and the economy is actually the reason, that's a bad thing. what scares me more about the
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survey and this particular age group, and i hear this more and more, we seem do have sold them this bill of goods that the free enter rise system is dead and the only thing they can do is it is around and wake on corporate america to hire them other the middle class is destroyed. met of the middle class was create by someone starting a small business in their garage. if i can not go on vacation, i clean people's houses, or cuts grandson. we will do something. for some reason, portions of the 20-something generation, has been, really, pounded with this lie that we are not going, we're always going to get to go on vacation and middle-class jobs are handed to you. you do not want to be normal. you want to get to the point to live on your income and get out of dead and sacrifice to win and then you go on vacation. i remember struggling in my 20's a time or two and not being able to go on vacation but i don't remember blaming it on the
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economy. i blame it on me. >>neil: i can not blame a lot of young people today, kids, and i can say this because i have kids that age who would lock at this and say, well, the president of the united states, wall street, you know, railing against not cats, maybe they are not to be trusted and might be i should not put my money with them. look at facebook, people got screwed. i can understand them being reticent. >>guest: i can understand that but why want you and i or the democrats or the republicans to sell this generation a bill of goods that they are the victim of all of those things. i'm not going to accept victim rhetoric as their message for this generation. i can't do anything because of this and that. i can't do anything -- yes, you can. you are still free, you can get off are your butt and leave the cave and kill something and drag it home. that is what other generations
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have done. we have stolen away this belief that is an option, that the free enter rise system works and capitalism is a go thing, and a little pain causes you to change direction this victim rhetoric is scary. >>neil: i don't want my daughter to leave the cave and kill someone. but i understand where you going. dave, always a pleasure. mom, dad, and president obama, so many young adults still shacking up with their parents in their cave. will they turn their back on help from uncle sam? not likely. best selling author says the young remain by and large, behind the president. the question is, whether they vote for him in large numbers. up for debate. >>guest: absolutely. >>neil: what do you think? >>guest: i'm not sure, the problem this generation are facing, my coauthor and i found
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this generation is issue-oriented. a majority of liberals favor capital punishment. a majority of conservatives favor handgun control. they do not fit into any order. they care about deeply jobs. they are graduating with student loans at an average $31,000. >>neil: so does that make them more inclined to align with democrats? >>guest: they are disenchanted with politics. they do not think it works. >>neil: so the disgruntled ones, will they vote? >>guest: that is the big question. this is what is facing us they do not trust politicians. if they find a mission who offers a reasonable land to get them jobs, who offered a reasonable plan to pay for college, who is willing to control college costs, that
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candidate will get their votes. >>neil: even if it means bigger government? >>guest: they do not favor bigger government. >>neil: you want help with the loans and with job credits, can you argue whether that is wise, but that is part a more empowered government? unconscious but they think government is too quick to raise taxes. they think that too much money is going into social programs of the maybe they just like the rest of it. >>neil: if so many are living at home with mom and dad they could talk a good game but they are not acting it. not that anything is wrong with mom and dad. >>guest: where do you go when you cannot afford anywhere else? why thing their first choice is living with mom and dad. 25 percent did not before because the who went home. they just ended up there and they would like to get out. >>neil: does it set a pattern here, where it is tough to get out? >>guest: they are dependent on adults. they call third parents twice, 40 percent call their parents
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twice, at least once a day. >>neil: my daughter lives we me and she doesn't. >>guest: one of five call their parents three time as day. texting. calling. mailing. anything. >>neil: mary, are you watching this? mary? thank you very much, sir. i will give a tape of this interchange to my daughter. author comparing, already, paul ryan to ronald reagan. he could be on the verge of doing something we have not seen.
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>>neil: wisconsin was not supposed to be a battle state
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but it usually goes to democrats so why make a fuss? maybe not this race because for the first time sin a guy named ronnie, you may want to color the badger state red and my guest says he knows why. senator, that is going on in your fine state? >>guest: well, first of alling i have considered wisconsin a fiscally conservative state. the citizens of wisconsin have a notion that government ought to live in its means. we took a blue state in 2010 and turned it red. scott walker survived the rail with flying colors. what has changed since november of 2010? i ran on a flat form to repeal health care and to get our debt and deficit under control. the only thing has changed we are closer to implementing the unpopular law and our debt is worse. i am very optimistic. ten electoral votes wisconsin has to offer will go to mitt
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romney. >>neil: you have been modest but governor walker, neither of you were given a chance and i remember be there for the recall election and the latest trend line polls had the race even but as we now, governor walker won in a walk. the latest polls although one shows romney and ryan up, another has it virtually even with the president having a slight advantage. is the president's support being overstated? do you think, as was the case with the walker recount, that it is the republicans who have their support unstated? >>guest: it could be. the exit polls from the recall were too close to call but he won by six or seven points. the polling models are difficult. how do you measure voter enthusiasm a? i have traveled around the state on the romney bus if -- for two
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days, i can grant you that the enthusiasm, the energy level on our side is extremely high. people realize this is a failed presidency. we can not afford four more years of president obama. people understand that. >>neil: do enough of them, though? flip it around. not president is so god awful and he has done such a pathetic job with the economy, and that is your view, then the president should be down ten pens in the polls but he is even if not ahead, and i understand that things change but at this stage of the campaign where that has been the argument and focus point for republicans you would expect more bang for the buck. >>guest: i guess people realize that he hasn't cut the deficit in half. he did not bring down the cost of a family plan by $2,500. he has increased it. unemployment has been above 8 percent. >>neil: i know that. i know that.
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but what do you make of this? >>guest: people that are informed understand where a disaster another four years will be. they will get to the polls. those not informed, they are not interested and may not make it to the polls. that is where the polling models break down. >>neil: senator, great to see you again. see you in tampa next week. whether it is wet or not. you are looking as isaac right now. tampa, isaac is looking at you. we wonder if it is time to pack? where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported.
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doing now? >> thank you for having me, neil. the storm continues to move forward florida. not sure where, if anywhere in the state the storm will have an impact. but floridians should monitor the storm to make sure they have what they need in the disaster it can. >> neil: what do you put in it? >> everything you need to survive for three days after the impact of the storm. water, food, can opener, charger for your cell phone, battery, flashlight, got pets you want pet food. medication, those things. >> neil: having been in your fine state when hurricanes hit they don't even have to be hurricanes or a tropical storm. to realize a lot of rain and wind is a lot of a mess. >> it is. we had two tropical storms make landfall. debbie dropped two feet of rain.
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we had extensive flooding throughout the state as a result of the less than hurricane strength storms. >> neil: what about in tampa and the thought it is going to be at the least disruptive, especially if it's just a lot of rain and wind? but knew from gustov two years ago it was enough to chop a day off the schedule. what do you think in tampa? >> we are working closely with the rnc on the arrangements. we want them to understand the implication of the storm. if there is heavy enough rain fall, it could cause flooding. storm surge that the residents have to move to higher ground. we want them to be aware of the impact to adjust accordingly if necessary. >> neil: but if you had to handicap things now, how is it looking for you now? >> we have been watching the models. the forecast tracked west in the last days.
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we're optimistic that tampa will come out with rain and wind and good condition. >> neil: are you amazed that reporters and anchors like myself, but not myself, tend to be a little bit obsessed about something that could affect them and their hair? >> as long as you help us get word out to residents they need to pay attention to the storm, and prepare, i'm okay with that. >> neil: you got it. you got a deal. thank you for take the time to join us. we appreciate it. hopefully it is as you say, a lot of rain and maybe not much more. >> thank you. >> neil: fingers crossed. as the storm barrels down florida and the convention we'll be all over it live saturday morning. we're calling it storm before the storm, beginning at 10:00 a.m. eastern time on fox news. we'll be simulcast on fox business. when things really hit the fan we're in the middle of the place presumably getting hit. convention coverage monday in tampa, 4:00 p.m. eastern time on fox.


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